The pattern continues. Our listing inventory has dropped to 9612 from 10,335 in July. That is a big drop. If we continue at this rate, then our inventory could easily drop under 7000 homes for sale. Last year (2007) we saw a drop to the 7000 level, but the inventory didn't start falling until October. Therefore, we may even see 5000-6000 numbers for inventory. If we do see this level and our sales remain strong, then price increases could be expected in 2009. Those are mighty big "ifs", but the pattern and graphs are pointing in that direction. A 5000 level of inventory with 1500-2000 sales per month would definitely create a seller's market. Before everyone gets too excited, we won't be returning to the 50% annual increases in price soon. We should come back to the 5-7% annual price increase that we had in the early 2000's and late 90's IF the patterns continue.
As for sales, we were a little softer than July. In July we saw 1752 sales and in August we have seen 1541 sales. Softer than July yes, but this is much stronger than last year, August 2008 only saw 1229 sales.
Days on market has crept up, we are now at 63 days in August. We were at 55 days on the market in July. Two things can be the causing this. This could be a signal that the market is slowing. Or, is this a signal that sellers are starting to dig in their heels and are willing to wait for higher offers? September should answer a few more questions.
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