October 2010 1077 solds
October 2009 1529 solds
October 2008 1195 solds
October 2007 1214 solds
The new listings for the month are starting to taper off finally. 2269 listings in the month of October is actually lower than the previous 3 year average of 2795 listings.
October 2010 2269 new listings
October 2009 2109 new listings
October 2008 2938 new listings
October 2007 3340 new listings
Inventory of properties for sale has dropped to 7698 from 8602 in September. That is a big drop and mainly the result of properties failing to sell and coming off the market, plus the lower number of new listings helped. If you look at the inventory level today (November 2nd, 2010) we are actually even lower at 7131 properties. Our stats are using the 31st of October as an inventory level, and there are over 500 homes that expire traditionally at the end of the month. So, the inventory is starting to correct itself.
I've also increased some price graphs.